I know that someone who has had too much to drink can't consent to sexual activity. They're not able to consent. But I've always wondered how we define being too drunk to consent. It's not a black and white issue. If I'm blacked out, that's not okay. But if I'm too drunk to walk in a straight line, am I able to consent? Or is my consent even valid? I've had quite a few hookups that occurred when both of us were drunk. When I'm drunk, I don't usually make the effort to have a conversation about consent. The people I've hooked up with don't either. But, as I read these stories, I'm stressing out about my drunk conduct. I know my drunk hookups were consensual because we always talked about it the next morning and made sure both of us were okay with what happened. But, what if in the future it's less clear? This has made me realize that I need to be very cautious in my hookup future. I don't want to wake up feeling taken advantage of or having a sexual partner who feels that way.